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Victoria University, Australia

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Victoria University (VU) is a double division tertiary establishment (advanced education and TAFE) situated in Melbourne, Australia. 

VU is a state funded college that offers seven scholarly universities: Arts, Business, Education, Engineering and Science, Health and Biomedicine, Law and Justice, and Sport and Exercise. Furthermore, VU's Victoria Institute of Technology gives professional instruction and preparing. 

Understudies undertaking postgraduate studies have the chance to adjust hypothetical systems to pragmatic exploration, with VU facilitating access to six examination foundations and seven examination focuses. Examination center zones are assembled around three topics: Sport, Health and Active Living, Education, Lifelong Learning and Workforce Development, and Sustainable Industries and Livable Cities. 

The University has a few grounds in Melbourne's CBD and western area, incorporating two in Footscray, and one in Sydney. It likewise offers courses at accomplice foundations all through Asia, including China, India, Kuwait, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam. More than 47,000 understudies, including around 15,000 global understudies, concentrated on VU courses worldwide in 2014. 

In 2016, VU will commend its 25th commemoration as a college, which will likewise stamp its century as an instructive foundation. 

The thought for a specialized school situated in the western rural areas of Melbourne was initially proposed in 1910. The Footscray Technical School opened its ways to 220 understudies and 9 educators in 1916 following 5 years of raising support. 
Charles Archibald Hoadley was the school's essential from its establishing until his demise in 1947. His vision was to help and recognize understudies who had a sound specialized information, as well as a valuation for expressions of the human experience, sports, open air and group exercises. He had confidence in teaching understudies "for life and in addition for living" and needed understudies to view instruction as opening the entryways of chance. 

Under Hoadley's authority, the school extended quickly and started offering exchange endorsement courses, recognitions in structural engineering, building and contracting, and also night classes. War and the Depression saw a dunk in numbers. In any case, by 1943 there were 2500 understudies selected in courses taught at the Footscray Park and Footscray Nicholson grounds. 

The next decades saw sex and social movements. Ladies initially enlisted in day certificate course in 1960, and changes to the Federal Government's migration strategy brought about numerous more European and Asian names entered on the roll. 

In 1958, the school changed its name to the Footscray Technical College. After ten years, it changed its name once more, this opportunity to Footscray Institute of Technology (FIT). The optional school segment was isolated from whatever remains of the Institute in 1972.

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